Tuesday 2 November 2021




Pymmes Brook Bridges repairs

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Rhinoceros teams have been engaged in remedial work for Enfield Council on two bridges over the Pymmes Brook river. Works have included removal of rust and scale, and abrading of areas of corrosion back to clean steel, with areas of sound paint lightly abraded. Coating application was Primer to areas of bare steel, intermediate coats to all surfaces, and finished with Gloss colour similar to existing paintwork. 

One of the bridges, built circa 1907, carries Powys Lane over the main river watercourse. It has a single span of 6.07m and carries 14m wide carriageway and two 3.05 wide footways. The carriageway is supported by “I” steel girders, steel arches and mass concrete. The abutments are constructed of bricks. The invert is also formed in bricks and concrete aprons extend beyond the ends of the bridge.

The second carries Melville Gardens over the watercourse, and dates from circa 1930, and comprises a single span of 7.88m, carrying a 9.16m wide carriageway and two 4.62m wide footways. The carriageway is supported by eleven girders fabricated from rolled steel channels. The footways are supported by steel troughing. The abutments are constructed of concrete. The invert is also formed in concrete extends beyond the ends of the bridge.

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