Tuesday 2 November 2021



Millfield House Footbridge, Enfield

Wednesday 01 May 2019

Rhinoceros have completed surface preparation on the iron bridge at Millfield House, Enfield. Preparation was done to St3 and followed by applicationof a Jotun paint system - Penguard HB primer to 100 microns, Jotamastic 87 Intermediate coat approx 200-250 microns and two coats XP Hardtop in BS 381C 223 final dfts in excess of 300 microns. An innovative fibre reinforced plastic deck, manufactured by Polydeck of Bristol, was then installed. 


A close-up of the new decking:

Millfield House Footbridge, Enfield

Friday 05 April 2019

Rhinoceros are starting work on the refurbishment of Millfield House Footbridge for Enfield Council. Works include removial of the entire existing deck, followed by surface preparation and application of  a Jotun paint system to all of the steelwork including the parapets. Finally the project will include installation of a new bridge deck and timbers made of a composite material. This is the start of a series of bridges Rhinoceros will refurbish for Enfield Council over the financial year.

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