Saturday 15 January 2011

pipistrelle at dead man's bridge

The famous Pymmes Park Cedar tree was cruelly chopped down to make way for the North Circular Road (A406) widening. The dastardly deed was done overnight, before the protesters could gather in force.
PCSO Sam Kifford is continuing her Green project in Tile Kiln Lane. Good
progress has been made with the aid of Operation Payback. Fly tipping has
been cleared and a lot of over hanging trees and shrubs have been cut back.

Closure of two cannabis factories in Hereward Gardens, N13. Approximately
200 plants along with electrical equipment were removed from the two
residential properties. An arrest was also made at one of the properties for
cultivating cannabis.

Closure of another brothel in Brownlow Road, N11 and the Clubs and Vice
unit are investigating a female in connection with several brothels which have
been closed down across the Ward over the last couple of months.

Two female Romanian juvenile windscreen washers on the a406 were taken
into protective police custody last week. They were eventually returned to an



address in Edmonton. Arrests would be made in the future for public nuisance
should they return.

A prolific shoplifter and known burglar was arrested three weeks ago on
Bowes Road. His property was searched and proceeds from crimes seized at
the property. He has been bailed to return in October whilst victim statements
and CCTV are obtained from the various venues.

Bowes and Southgate Green Wards have a meeting next week with Notting
Hill housing association to discuss the impending squatter evictions on Bowes

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